March 23, 2010

Mommy & Daughter are Both Crafty

Okay, so don't think that it will be normal for there to be more than one post per day, but I have some super cute pics to share. While Erick was on set this evening, I took the kids to Michael's Craft Store. We bought a sand art kit for Evelyn, and I picked up the rest of the supplies I needed for a pincushion project. Gunnar didn't get to do any crafts, but rest assured that he had a blast riding in the buggy all over Michael's getting to flirt with every female in the entire store. I swear, I have no idea how he knows how to flirt, but watch out... he will flutter those long lashes, show those twinkly blue eyes, and flash that adorable smile, and every woman in a 10 mile radius goes to total mush.

Evelyn agreed to pose with her sand art collection, but insisted that Pink Bear and Strawberry Shortcake (blanket) got to pose with her. Here are her pics.

And now a sweet smile...

Now before I reveal my pin cushion extraordinaire, let me point you to this TUTORIAL that I found a couple of nights ago.

Here is my first attempt at a cake pincushion. I decided to use colors to match my craft closet, which worked out really well.

Here is a view from the top, which shows the flower detail. The pins are cute pearlized pins that I hope will be an inspiration for my continued sewing projects.

That's all for tonight. I did get the new part put on the dishwasher, but haven't quite gotten up the nerve to actually run a load of dishes. Yall say a few prayers, okay???


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