June 27, 2010


The kitchen floor is mopped, the den is picked up, and I am ready for bed. My Honey Man comes home tomorrow morning. He has been out of town for four days, has two more days of travel coming up, but is flying home just so that he can spend one afternoon and night with me and the kids before heading back out early the following morning. Lordy, am I crazy about my man. When it all comes down to it, the one person who makes my life as a stay at home Mom possible is my husband. He works and works and works to provide for us. He fights battles that seem impossible to win, he slays dragons, and even when he sticks his foot in his mouth, he is still the one and only guy that I ever want.

Our family vacation is coming up, and he is taking official vacation days from all his jobs so that the four of us can have an entire week together. I am so ready for this time that I can hardly stand it. Evelyn is just as excited as I am. And Gunnar won't really know what is going on until we get there, but I can't wait to see him in the swimming pool. Mostly, I am just ready to have a whole week where there are no outside responsibilities ... no meetings ... no appointments ... no calls for Erick to rush to Atlanta or downtown or anywhere else, for that matter. Just the four of us, on our own time, to do whatever we want.

The more I learn, the more I realize that my real meaning, my focus, my joy while I find it, comes from the time and the pieces of myself that I choose to share with others. Next to the gift of Erick's love, the second greatest gift he has ever given me has been the opportunity to be with my children every day. There are days when I feel like I need a break, but even on those days, I still have the sense that my frustration is constructive, in the sense that it is being spent on something that is lasting. This time I have with my children can never be repeated or replaced. It is the most precious commodity that we can ever share. Realizing that this gift comes at the expense of my husband's hard work is sobering. It helps me to be reminded that my gift in return to him is to make the most of the time he has given me to be their Mom and to be his wife. Rather than losing myself in these roles, it turns out that I actually find myself in a more authentic way when I find myself in the eyes of the people I love.

So, for tonight, goodnight. Safe travels for My Honey. Church with the kids in the morning, as we thank God for His incredible blessings on our lives, and then home for an afternoon and evening of just being together.

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