May 19, 2010

What On Earth Have I Been Doing?

Sewing... gardening... browsing around on Etsy... crafting... it's been a very productive time. I've been trying to keep everything organized in my mind, and finally had to force myself to put down my craft journal last night because I kept thinking of more things I needed to jot down before going to sleep.

One problem. Erick is asleep in the same room as my camera, so there won't be any pictures of my progress until tomorrow. But here is a run-down of the projects:

vintage teacup bird feeders
two quilted table runners for Mother's Day (one for my Mom and one for Erick's Mom)
completed the quilting and trimming for my circle quilt
weekender tote bag (Okay, so I still have a tiny bit of work left on this one.)
pencil pouch to match the tote bag
pleated little zipper bag to match the tote bag
business card holder to match the tote bag (holds my Mommy cards)
painted plant signs to label all the herbs, berries, and veggies that I've planted
cut out fabrics for quilted placemats and cloth napkins to match my patio dishes

Wow. Now that I see it all written out, I actually HAVE accomplished quite a bit. There is a slight hitch with the cloth napkin fabric. It appears to have the absorbency capacity of a slab of stainless steel. What I'm saying is that this fabric sucks if you're planning on using it to wipe up any sort of liquid at all. Oh well. At least now I know what sort of print will look good with my dishes and placemats. I'll save it and use it for something down the road. But this means that I've got to find new fabric for the napkins. At least I hadn't started sewing them. That would have been really crummy. My Mom showed me how different napkins that she has are better or worse for napkins, but I felt like mine was going to work. Again, I'm glad I gave it an official absorption test before getting them to the sewing machine.

My next projects (meaning things I've already purchased) will be to finish the placemats (and hopefully some decent napkins) and then I want to make an I-Spy quilt for Gunnar. Rather than dedicating my life to amassing the necessary fussy cuts on my own, I went on Etsy and bought two sets of I-Spy charms. My plan is to use a disappearing nine-patch pattern for the quilt, but I'm still sort of stuck on how I'll arrange the blocks. One quilt that I saw arranged the blocks so that the cut squares looked like sashing, which was really pretty, but I love the idea of arranging the blocks so that no two seams ever meet. It gives the quilt a much more abstract feel, which is nice for an I-Spy quilt. Guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

I bought a pattern to make a lunchbox for Evelyn to take to Art Camp, so I'll have to get that put together in the next few weeks. Then there is a little purse-sized organizer/binder that I want to make for myself, to match the Weekender Tote Bag.

The Circle Quilt has been quilted and trimmed, so I need to measure it, make the binding, sew on the binding, and then I'll hand-stitch the back side binding. That will finish up my very first quilt. It was good that I had the chance to make the tablerunners, because it gave me some really good practice with binding. I had planned on using pre-made binding for the quilt, but found that I actually enjoyed the process of making my own for the tablerunners, and my hand stitching isn't nearly as horrible as I expected it to be, so I think I'm gonna go for it.

Okay, that's all for tonight. Oh. Wait. I forgot one other Etsy purchase. I bought a fat quarter pack of Barbara Jones' Simply Sweet. Oh my how cute. I think I'm going to use it to make a picnic quilt. The backing will either be laminated cotton or oilcloth, so that it will be waterproof. I want to do a little more research on that before buying the fabric, but I'm thinking it should be a really cute vintage red-check pattern. That would be perfect with the Simply Sweet line.

More tomorrow, including pictures...

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