August 29, 2011

Giving it a Try ... 10 on Tuesday ... One Day Early

Inspired by a friend who posts a "10 on Tuesday" entry once a week, I thought I would give it a try. Of course, being me, I figured I would get this one logged in early ... sometimes just starting something is too exciting to wait another day.

1. My sweet Evelyn turned six years old yesterday. How did that happen? Some days, I forget that I'm old enough to be somebody's Mama. She says that being six makes her feel MUCH older. It makes me remember how much age and being older meant to me as a child. Remember how important it used to be to add that "and a half" to our age, just to make sure we got credit for being so grown-up? Now I have trouble remembering how old I am ... and I don't just mean the halves!

2. One of Evelyn's birthday treats was a surprise visit to her favorite artist's studio. Here is a picture from that adventure. She was so excited that her body shook and wiggled the whole time she painted. Before leaving, she got her picture taken in front of his current work in progress. What a cool memory for her to carry with her.

3. Gunnar has serious bed head today. He has that gravity-defying kind of bed head. Don't believe me? Check out this picture. Oh, and the reason he is holding a toy phone is that he is calling Ya-Ya (Evelyn) at school because he wants to be at school too.

4. Okay, so here's one about me. I met with my new Journey Group members last night. This is a Bible study program that works through several topics and how scripture relates to real life. I have really missed the fellowship and encouragement of a regular women's Bible study group. Life has been really crazy for the last year or two, just with schedules and time management, so I am so happy to get started back up again. One of the most poignant things that I took from our "get to know you" gathering last night was a comment from our church's women's ministry director. She said that God knows where we are in our lives, raising kids, helping husbands, working in the home or in the workplace, and all our daily frenzied responsibilities. Because He knows our lives, He does not love us less if we spend less time serving Him. This may not be the season where we go and serve or have hour-long daily quiet times. What we are ultimately responsible for is the condition of our hearts. If our heart is right with God, then we are right with God. It doesn't hinge on any sort of action or work on our part. What a sweet thing to remind a room full of women.

5. Erick and I started a diet program last Tuesday. I will weigh myself tomorrow to see how I've done the first week. Hopefully, it will at least be enough to make me want to keep it up. The real focus of this program is eating a balanced diet. Seems pretty obvious, huh? Their theory is that if you eat the meat, grains, dairy, fruits, and vegetables that you are supposed to eat, that you won't really be hungry enough to eat a bunch of junk that you shouldn't eat. 

6. This morning, I had a wonderful breakfast. It felt like a feast. Our program says that you should have a grain (bread or cereal), eggs, milk, and a fruit for breakfast. I made Pioneer Woman's breakfast punch, which is milk, orange juice, pineapple juice, meringue powder, and a tiny bit of sugar. The next time I make it, I'll probably omit the sugar all together. It just doesn't need it. So I had my milk/juice mixture, a piece of whole-grain toast, and two eggs with a small cup of coffee. It was just wonderful. It's sad to think how I had trained my body to crave junk (as evidenced by some pretty gnarly withdrawal last week) but once I started feeding my body with actual fuel or good food, I really feel better. 

7. Ten things is a lot, you know?

8. I am already thinking about teacher gifts for Christmas. There are so many cool sewing patterns and projects that I keep finding online and in magazines that I can't seem to narrow down my options. Tote bags seem like a great idea. Pretty composition notebook covers that double as portfolios also sound promising. Of course, there are also some adorable ideas for fabric baskets, mug-rugs (coasters for hot chocolate or coffee or tea) and so much more. 

9. Tote bags are one of my favorite things. Honestly, you would think a person would eventually have enough tote bags, but I keep thinking up new reasons why I need just one more. At this point, it may be an excuse to buy a new pattern and fabric so that I can watch something new be created, but it's still fun. New Bible study Journey group? New tote bag must be made. Lost my camera case? Must make my own zippered bags for the camera and its cords and batteries.

10. My kids need an activity to entertain them while I am cooking supper in the evenings. One of their teachers suggested keeping notebooks, coloring sheets, pencils and crayons handy. The idea is to let them sit at the table and work while I am cooking. That way, I can see them, but they are not under me or demanding something every five seconds. Yes, and this has its own sewing needs. I think I need to make a cute little tote bag for these supplies, or maybe even a great organizer to hang on the wall to corral all those crayons and books. Sounds promising, right?

That's it. My first ever 10 on Tuesday and it's not even Tuesday yet. Hooray! I've started it.