September 23, 2010

What Gunnar & I Did This Morning ... a.k.a. Why My Husband Should Ditch the Business Trip and Come Home Immediately!

So, here are a few shots of my morning with Gunnar. Evie is at school, so he and I finished up these little beauties...

Honestly, I'm not sure who is the most excited... me or Gunnar.

Oh, you wanted to see what we were making, right?
Take this...

Add a little (or a lot) of this...

Oh yeah, Baby.

Now enjoy!

Seriously, can anyone believe that my husband will do anything but come straight home and help me devour these cinnamon rolls? (Recipe: Pioneer Woman)

Gunnar declined to join me in the cinnamon roll consumption, but finally broke down and had a little bite. The next sound heard in my kitchen was the most heart-felt "mmmmmmmmmm" I think he has ever uttered. Ha! He licked his plate, hands, and face when he was finished.

So, Honey, what time shall I expect you home today?