January 17, 2010

Working Out the Kinks

Well, I'm not asleep, so I figured I would work on my blog. I've been playing with the layout, and while I'm not sure this is a permanent representation of how things will look, it's where I am right now.

I have a lot on my mind tonight. God has really been working in incredible ways in the life of my family, yet I see friends and other people around us and across the globe who are struggling just to hold on. The only way I know to handle this discrepancy is to make sure I am praising God for what He is doing in my life, to share that hope with others, but at the same time, I must keep praying for those around us who are hurting. Beyond prayer, I must reach out more. I tend to get all shy about visiting or calling or doing something for someone else. The funny thing is that I love to bake or make a meal for a family, but when it comes time to deliver the goodies, I have to admit that were it not for Erick's more outgoing nature, the baked goods would never make it to their intended destination.

Since I'm labeling this post "Random Thoughts" partly to see if the label function works, but also to give myself a chance to empty my mind before going back to bed, I will make a few more observations...

Being a stay-at-home Mom is absolutely the life I was meant to live at this point in my life. Gunnar and Evelyn are so much more relaxed and happy at home. And so am I. There is no part of me that misses the hectic race out the door every morning. The greatest thing has been the little moments that I've had with my children during the day that I missed when I was working. Evelyn will smile at me or tell me thank you for something that I've done for her. She really is thoughtful. And Gunnar will stop what he is doing, crawl over to me, pull up next to me, lay his head against me, and make this "Awwww" sound and give me a love. Well, I just melt, that what I do.

Erick and I are trying to get a better night-time routine for the two of us that doesn't involve being up so late at night, but like I said... I've already been to bed once and just needed to get up and dump my brain for a few minutes. None of this is the really heavy stuff, but maybe I'll be able to sleep anyway.

So goodnight, again.